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Lowongan Kerja BUMN Danareksa

DanareksaDanareksa is the Indonesian’s leading financial institution operating in investment banking related activities. During the last thirty five years, we have successfully helped the Government institutions, private organizations and individuals optimized their potential to the fullest, for what we earned award-winning tradition. We invite qualified professionals to fill-up vacancies and be part of the legend.

Danareksa (Persero) is a state owned Enterprise ( SOE ) established in 1976 as part of efforts by the government of Indonesia to develop the stock exchanged and the capital markets industry in the country.  

Danareksa has since expanded and grown to become one of the leading domestic investment banking houses. With extensive know how on capital markets, you can be part of the team and bost your career to the next level with a board range of opportunities.

Management Trainee
Requirements :
  • Minimum S1 or S2 from a reputable local and/or overseas university
  • Minimum GPA of 3.25
  • Fresh graduates (or with maximum 2 years working experience)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English with minimum TOEFL score of 550
  • Not exceed 24 years of age for undergraduate degree (S1) and 27 for post graduate degree (S2) by 31 December 2014
  • Have a strong commitment to excellence and a great passion in volatile investment industry
Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, silakan kirim surat lamaran lengkap dan CV, ke email : Tulis kode posisi pada subyek email, contoh : “MT”. more information detail Lowongan BUMN Danareksa. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang disebutkan di atas akan diberitahu untuk seleksi selanjutnya.

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